Conditions treated by Dr Simon Lau

  • Shoulder Conditions

    There are a number of key structures in the shoulder, which when injured result in pain or dysfunction.

  • Elbow Conditions

    The elbow is a complex joint, that works as both a hinge (for flexing and extending of the arm) as well as a rotator of the forearm. Even subtle injuries can lead to misalignment of the elbow biomechanics, and symptoms like pain and stiffness.

  • Wrist Conditions

    The wrist is a complex joint at the end of the arm that is vital for some of the complex movements we perform every day. It is a highly functional joint that both flexes and extends, as well as rotates. 

  • Orthopaedic Trauma Conditions

    A fracture, or broken bone, usually happens after an accident. Some can be treated without surgery, such as with a plaster, and others will do better with an operation.